~May 8.. same day as the DeBeque boating trip https://ebird.org/barchart?byr=1900&eyr=2022&bmo=5&emo=5&r=L1135588,L281349,L2315589,L5056729,L11146299,L5526821,L338760,L481533,L469559,L4652668,L12893158,L4822398,L1846772 Talk to Nic, Dave about route Go west south of highline for swainsons? O road pond addition ibises, phalaropes Dave's house for White winged Team Members: Logan: calls, pack mule, repairs (fix bike rack for panniers?) Whit: Scope, ebird Hec: spotting, extra eyes Hunter Harmon? Ian Thomas: Photos, repairs Team Names: Plateau Cruisers Grouse King Grand Valley Peddlers MESA Monkey Wrench Gang Re: Sagebrush Rebellion Malfunction Junction Desert Rats Slumgullion Stew Desert Underground Equipment: Whit's Scope Binos and harness Snax and 2 bottles water (reload at fruita) Nap supplies: Puffy Blanket, buff Cowboy camping, breakfast gear at highline Power bank: charge headlamp during day, phones (important call mp3, ebird-gps running) bluetooth speaker (mp3 calls) Rail, sora, wrens, sparrows, warblers, owls Repair gear: patches, pump, tools Color Coding: Green Line: Current Route Red Marker: Action Yellow Marker: Ebird Hotspot Orange Line: Possible Spur Orange Poly: Closure Itinerary: Friday Night Camp north of highline, wake up at midnight, Look for BUOW, LEOW Sleep till 5 or 6 Look for BUOW, GHOW, CNHA Hilghline, Gold Lake, Loma, Fruita, BSW, FTown, SP, Snooks, HTSWA (after dinner), Devils COPO, NSWO, GHOW end Unrelated Tulsa: https://ebird.org/barchart?byr=1900&eyr=2022&bmo=5&emo=5&r=L4510433,L1435422,L5273318,L697350,L1434533,L1434540,L1434082,L457469,L5253145,L2731368,L286699,L1151991,L5149966,L275550,L130783,L16838327,L10786715,L5627681,L853682,L1435417,L1435416,L1435419,L8916657,L1151990