This map shows 46 high routes and alpine traverses in the Coast Mountains. It is a companion map to be used in conjunction with the guidebook Coast Mountain High Routes by John Baldwin.
Go to to learn more about the guidebook and the routes shown.
These high routes are the great skyline traverses, off-trail hikes and mountaineering routes through large remote mountainous regions, continuously in the alpine, and a bit like being on a summit for the entire trip. Routes range from 3 days to three weeks. Knowledge of mountain terrain, glacier travel, basic mountaineering, map reading and navigation skills is assumed.
The routes shown on this map are hazardous and should only be undertaken with a full understanding of all inherent risks. These navigation files are only a guide, and although every effort has been made to ensure that routes are up-to-date and accurate, no liability whatsoever is assumed for the use of the navigation files or for the consequences of any mistakes or errors in content or representation. The navigation files are made available as a planning resource with the understanding that data is provided with no warranties, expressed or implied, concerning data accuracy, completeness, reliability, or suitability. Travel through complex mountainous terrain is involved. It is assumed that persons attempting any of these routes have the necessary route-finding and mountaineering skills to assess the difficulties and dangers involved and safely travel their chosen route. You assume all responsibility for your own safety.