Aug 2, 2024 Lowes, wet slippery rocks and quite a bit of mud until KIng's Ravine. King's Ravine, also wet & slippery. After Mossy Falls, the incline gets a lot steeper and you'll be on hands and knees scrambling. Shortly before you reach Chemin des Dames, you have the option of going through the "Subway" or taking the "Elevated" trail. The Subway is a giant boulder field with rocks the size of houses that you can scramble underneath. and do a little maze. The first bit isn't super well marked, but after that, it's very well marked. Not to be attempted by the claustrophobic or those with big packs. Great Gully Trail also has some very steep sections that require scrambling using your hands. The trail in not used much at all, but keep following the blue blazes (sometimes hiden behind shrubs) and you'll be fine. About a quarter mile from the junction of Gulfside & Lowes, you hit the treeline and it's just climbing over boulders the size of a 50 -100 gal drum. Follow the Carains. Lowe's path the the summit of Mt Adams was very similar to this last part of Great Gully. Following Airline down to the Madison Spring hut, again has boulders until you reach the treeline where the path gets easier. Valley Way down was a great path not nearly as wet as the other side had been, though still had to walk in the water a few times. About a mile from Appalachia, the trail is very nice and smooth for tired legs.